Course Outline
Our comprehensive 1-Day Emergency First Aid at Work program is aligned with Level 3 (VTQ) standards, specifically the Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) course, encompassing AED (Automated External Defibrillator) training. This course can also be delivered as TQUK regulated course.
This highly sought-after one-day course serves as an introductory platform for individuals seeking proficiency and competency in workplace first aid. It particularly caters to small, low-risk work environments, providing participants with a thorough understanding of essential first aid procedures.
Delivered through a blend of knowledge acquisition, skill refinement, and realistic scenario-based exercises, the course instills participants with the confidence to effectively administer care in emergency situations.
The curriculum adheres to the standards stipulated by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and is fully compliant with the Health & Safety (First-Aid) Regulations of 1981, as outlined in Appendix 6 detailing the content of an Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) Course.
The SIA will accept this training certificate for those seeking employment or licence renewal in the door supervision and security guard sector.
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Registered in England & Wales
Company Number 13173579
ProTrainings Approved Centre
Approved by First Aid Industry Body
Approval Number (FAIB) 10/16 (670)
Member of Federation Of First Aid Training Organisations
Member Number (868)
Hersham Place Technology Park
Molesey Road
KT12 4RZ